Caravan Legal Expenses Insurance

Financial & Legal Insurance is a specialist provider of legal expenses insurance and related services and aim to deliver 'best in market' legal advice and case handling.
Call us on 01428 600001 for further details
Links to their caravan legal costs insurance policy documentation is provided below:
For policies incepted or renewed on or after 1 April 2021
- F&L Caravan Legal Expenses Insurance Policy Summary
- F&L Caravan Legal Expenses Insurance Policy Wording
For policies incepted or renewed before 1 April 2021:
- ARC Caravan Legal Expenses Insurance Policy Summary
- ARC Caravan Legal Expenses Insurance Policy Wording
Where cover is included for Legal Expenses, this policy includes up to £50,000 of cover for:
Legal costs to negotiate:
- In a contractual dispute over the purchase or sale of the Caravan
- Following any nuisance or trespass relating to the Caravan
Legal costs to pursue:
- Contract claims against a person / organisation providing defective goods or services for use in or connected to the Caravan
- Uninsured loss and personal Injury claims arising from the use of the Caravan against the responsible person / organisation
- Actions for compensation arising from damage to the Caravan
Legal costs to defend:
- Criminal prosecutions arising from the ownership or use of the Caravan
- Contract claims brought by a person to whom private goods have been sold
Full details of the cover provided and key exclusions are detailed within the Policy Summary and/or Policy Wording (see above).